Group Therapy and Group Dynamic Theory
A Professional Method for all Group-Based Treatment
My mission is to make group therapy easier, more effective and more professional. After all, group therapy is a profession in itself with its own expertise in which the executive professionals must be trained. This book describes a generic professional method for every group therapist, developed within the official group therapy in the Netherlands, based on as much scientific evidence as possible and on Dutch and American practice guidelines.

The clear theory of group dynamics helps to understand the group as a therapeutic instrument and can be translated well into easily applicable techniques. The method described is very practical, which makes the book ideal as a textbook. In the Netherlands, it is used throughout the country in basic group therapy training and the experiences with it are very positive.
Willem de Haas, first edition 2025
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In a few videos and tutorials I explain how the book is put together, how it can be used and which techniques stand out
The group as a therapeutic instrument
Feel free to see my other mini-tutorials, e.g.:
- Minitutorial The advantage of a ‘smart’ group therapy organization: the ‘Design’ and the ‘Pitch’
- MiniVideotutorial The meta-conversation technique
- MiniVideotutorial Using group processes for group therapy
- MiniVideotutorial Controling negative group processes
Consultation, advice and minitraining
If you have questions, comments or whatever reaction feel free to contact me
More Information
Maybe I can give you an answer or advice, and when your need is greater, we can arrange a few supervision meetings, or I can offer a specific minitutorial or small workshop. For this I use ZOOM as a means of communication
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If you have questions, comments or whatever reaction feel free to contact me on
Minitraining for group therapists
Support and information for group therapists
Consultation for group therapists
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More about the book and the techniques
In a few videos and tutorials I explain how the book is put together, how it can be used and which techniques stand out
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