Miniworkshops for group therapists

Here you will find information about mini-workshops on a specific technique/concept that can be offered or requested. A request can include multiple mini-workshops. A single mini-workshop lasts 3 hours and takes place via ZOOM. They all include the explanation of the concept followed by an experiential exercise or training through role-playing. For each concept I refer to the corresponding (sub)chapter in the book.

Current workshops

Virtual workshop ‘The group as therapeutic instrument’ on the AGPA connect Conference March 7th 10-12.30 PM St Francisco time
Click here

Possible topics for a mini-workshop

Organizing , ‘designing’, an effective therapy group in advance (chapter 3)

Starting a therapy group with a promising ‘pitch’ (chapter 3)

Leadership: directing a therapy group (chapter 4 and chapter 5)

Promoting group cohesion in a therapy group (subchapter

Promoting interaction in group therapy (subchapter 7.5.3)

Promoting therapeutic norms in a therapy group (chapter 9)

Using roles in a therapy group (chapter 10)

Handling the scapegoat role in a therapy group (chapter 10)

Structure and rituals as an aid to saying goodbye in a therapy group (chapter 11)

Defense and avoidance in group therapy (chapter 12)

Handling of transference in group therapy (chapter 12)

Handling of countertransference in group therapy (chapter 12)

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