Group Therapy and Group Dynamic Theory

A Professional Method for all Group-Based Treatment

The solid base for every group therapy

The method described in this book offers every group therapist a solid foundation for the profession, no matter what therapeutic method (psycho-dynamic, CBT, educational, interpersonal, etc) she or he works with. Of course, every group therapy uses the same instrument, the group. Every group therapist must know everything about that instrument in order to feel competent and relaxed, even at times when that group instrument shows complicated processes or does not come out well. This thorough method has been developed within the official group therapy in the Netherlands and is used in training all over the country. It is my mission with this book to make group therapy more professional, effective, easier and perhaps also more fun.


Willem de Haas, first edition 2025

Education and information for group therapists

Consultation for group therapists

Minitraining for group therapists

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